Barcode Producer: Save as PDF and Send to Preview on macOS Sonoma
The current version of Barcode Producer is unable to directly create files in PDF format in macOS Sonoma (macOS 14 and later) – it will silently fail to save the file. This is because macOS Sonoma removes the `pstopdf` command line utility that Barcode Producer used to convert its vector EPS files to PDF files.
For the same reason, Export > Send to Preview also currently fails.
Creating PDF files for barcode artwork is something that we offer by popular demand – we'd generally suggest not creating PDFs out of your barcodes if you intend to place them in a larger artwork file. An EPS file is much more suitable for this purpose – a PDF is just a container for Barcode Producer's EPS file. That said, using a PDF is fine if it suits your workflow.
This will be fixed in an upcoming release. In the interim, read on for an immediate workaround.
If you have Adobe Creative Suite and Adobe Acrobat DC installed
Save your barcode as a vector EPS file in Barcode Producer, then open it in Adobe Acrobat.
Acrobat's included Distiller function will convert the EPS file to a PDF file.
If you don't have Adobe Creative Suite
You can install Ghostscript to convert EPS files to PDF files. Here's how to install it:
- Install Homebrew, a package management tool for installing open source software: (use the command line or .pkg installer)
- Install Ghostscript using this Terminal command: brew install ghostscript
- Save your barcode as an EPS in Barcode Producer, then process it using Ghostscript's included 'ps2pdf' tool using this Terminal command, like this (change path to the path of your EPS file): ps2pdf /Users/yourname/Desktop/barcode.eps
- The ps2pdf tool will create a PDF file in the same folder as your original EPS file