Click the Color toolbar button to open the color options dialog.

Background & Barcode Color
Barcodes are typically printed with black bars on a white background. These colors can be changed, but caution should be taken to ensure the barcode is still readable by a barcode scanner. The background should be as light as possible and the bars should be as dark as possible. Red bars must be avoided as most scanners utilize a red light and thus expect to read black bars against a red background. Click on a color to change it.
EPS Color Mode
This option specifies the color mode, CMYK (default) or RGB, to use for EPS output. The background and barcode colors can be specified with CMYK or RGB values. It is recommended that colors be specified using the same color mode as the EPS output to avoid any issues with color conversion.
EPS files are vector images composed of elements. Each bar is an element, and each character of text is an element. Unlike TIFF images, EPS images have no inherent background. If a non-white background is specified, EPS output will have a background rectangle draw in the background color. If a white background is specified, EPS output will not have a background rectangle if the transparent option is on.