Barcode Producer vs. free barcoding software

Why should you invest in a Barcode Producer software license with so many free barcode generators available online? That’s easy! With Barcode Producer, you can create a wide variety of barcode types in a variety of formats and be confident that you’ll end up with high-quality, usable barcodes. Free barcode generators can be less reliable and may deliver poor-quality barcodes or only offer a few barcode options or output file formats.
Compare a free barcode creator’s output to Barcode Producer’s output:

The quality of Barcode Producer’s barcodes is significantly higher because, plus we offer both TIFF and EPS exports. (Here’s why the EPS file format is good!)
A free online barcode software may provide you with a barcode that looks good at first glance, but when it comes to using it in your labels, the image usually ends up looking blurry or pixelated. That likely means you won’t be able to reliably scan your barcodes, which creates a whole new set of problems.
Most of these free services offer an online barcode generator as a teaser to convince you to buy their barcode label software. Many of the offered export formats (like HTML files) aren’t useful for actually using your barcodes. Barcodes are rarely useable on websites, after all! Web pages are not the best candidates for barcodes that you want to use in a sales environment, such as EAN or UPC barcodes. If you want to be sure an on-screen barcode can be scanned properly, there is a special symbology for that, the QR Code, which you can scan even if it’s displayed on a monitor.
Using a trustworthy, dedicated barcode generator like Barcode Producer, where you can create any type of barcode and customize it to meet your design and size requirements, is the best way to make sure you can export barcodes in any format you need.
Some online generators offer more robust capabilities, but it can take a lot to find a free one that actually works and meets your design needs.
Barcode Producer has automatic barcode checkers built-in to the software to make sure your barcodes stay scannable with any changes you make.
You can never be sure what you’re getting from a free online barcode generator. With Barcode Producer, you can be confident that our barcodes meet all of the industry standards for retail, books, packages, tags, and anything else you may need a barcode for.
Online barcode generators have other shortcomings as well. For example, they are rarely printable directly from the online generator, and they usually lack batch-creation capabilities (like Barcode Producer’s Automator Plug-In!) These are just a few issues with free online barcode generators that Barcode Producer can fix. Even with online barcode generators that seem to be better than others, you might still be missing out on features that Barcode Producer can offer. It’s common for free online barcode generators to offer fake settings that make them seem better than other free options, but when you go to use them, they aren’t actually available.
By using online and free barcode generators, you could be losing a lot of time and effort trying to generate a barcode that works. Worse yet, if your designer uses a free barcode generator and not an industry-standards-compliant barcode creation app like Barcode Producer, you might end up with unreadable barcodes on printed packaging, books, magazines, or whatever else it is they’ve designed for you.
Working with a reliable barcode generator software like Barcode Producer, which is intended for use with graphic design software, is the best way to create trustworthy barcodes that match the quality of your products.