Why should you use EPS for your barcodes?

Barcode Producer’s output to EPS, a vector file format, is the best you can get when it comes to printing your barcodes.
First, what is a vector image?
A vector image is made up of mathematical plot points that connect and are then used to transcribe the image. Vector barcode files are typically a lot smaller than regular image files because of these plot points. All vector files are resolution-independent, which means that a barcode in a vector can be scaled to any size without impacting the resolution. Vector images will never be pixelated in the way that their counterparts, raster images, might be. Take a look at the below image for reference:

Credit: coreldraw.com
How do EPS files work?
EPS stands for Encapsulated PostScript. An EPS is a type of graphic file format that describes an image (raster/bitmap), a vector drawing, or both.
EPS files in the vector EPS format are often used for high-quality image printing and are one of the most common formats used by professional printers.
EPS files are sets of instructional data based on paths between two points on an XY axis. When Barcode Producer draws a bar, the EPS file instructs the printer to output a bar starting at point A and ending at point B. In other words, all the information defining the bar is in the instruction file, and the output itself is resolution-independent.
Because the image resolution is independent of the file itself, you can scale an EPS file to any size you like and output to any device — from a 5-tonnes heavy large format printer that handles billboard-sized media rolls to a mobile inkjet printer. The output device will handle all of the resolution calculations and ensure the results are as sharp as possible.
Here’s a sample of the data in an EPS file created by Barcode Producer. Below is an EAN-13 barcode:

As you can see, the EPS file describes the position, width, and height of the bars and spaces in great detail. It’s also important to note that Barcode Producer doesn’t add any redundant information to its EPS files, which means it exports the smallest possible file, ensuring it prints fast on every printer. For that reason, Barcode Producer’s output is always as crisp and detailed as possible, with good scanner readability as a result.
Advantages of EPS Files
The data stored in an EPS file format makes it so that an image’s resolution remains high, regardless of its size. For this reason, the EPS file format is ideal for scaling. EPS image data also has a lossless form of compression, which means the image can also be downsized without impacting the picture quality.
Most modern printers are compatible with EPS files. This makes them a good choice for any printing job, especially for larger print jobs.
Disadvantages of EPS Files
EPS files are made of complex mathematical data and code that determine how an image will look. This data can be time-consuming to set up, but Barcode Producer takes care of all that work for you. All you have to do is enter the basic barcode information, and the software will automatically generate a download-ready EPS file.
You can't make any additional edits after creating and exporting an EPS file. If you want to make any changes, you’ll have to go back to the original design in the software, make your changes, and resave the design.
Using an EPS file can pose challenges because it requires special software to open. You’ll need to have graphic design software, like Adobe Illustrator, in order to view or edit EPS images.